24 Temmuz 2014 Perşembe

amazon review: The Fifth Discipline

The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization

The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization
by Peter Senge
Edition: Hardcover

5.0 out of 5 stars pioneer of todays solutions, amazing similarity with TOC, May 1, 2014
This might be classified as an old book since written in 1990. I read this book around 2008. I have reviewed it recently.

The World is changing from Newtonian-linear-normal curve understanding to Einstein-nonlinear-pareto understanding. You might recall Newtonian physics rule are limited to the light speed and then another world starts, Einstein-Herzenbergh-Bohr.. I believe having fiberoptic connection on top of internet jumped all social and business life to a new era.

Basic points of new era are continuous improvement, CAS: Complex Adaptive Systems, volatility, scarcity of resources.

I have amused to see the similarities between this book and TOC:Theory of Constraints literature:

Learning : First and most importanat common divisor ! CAS is a system that can learn and adopt. (see Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith)

5th dicipline: System Thinking :basis to understand an evolving business world to CAS (see Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith)

Beer Factory case study : a very well known supply chain phenomenon (see Manufacturing at warp speed / Eli Schragenheim, Supply Chain at warp speed / Eli Schragenheim, The Choice / Eli Goldratt, Isn't It Obvious / Eli Goldratt, Orlicky's MRP 3rd / Chad Smith&Carol Ptak, Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith, DDMRP concept by DemandDrivenInstitute)

yesterday's solutions are the root of today's problems : end of cost centric World, rise of flow centric World (see Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith, Haystack Syndrome / Eli Goldratt)

mental models : Deming's assignable cause of variability, TOC's most common policy constraints (see Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith, The Choice / Eli Goldratt)

minor changes may lead big impacts : core of TOC, systems run by constraints, butterfly effect (see Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith, The Goal / Eli Goldratt, Epiphanized / Bob Sproull, Haystack Syndrome / Eli Goldratt, The Race / Eli Goldratt, Velocity / Dee Jacob)

splitting a big elephant in half will not yield two elephants : end of linear World, system thinhiking, CAS reality, living & leraning & evolving entities (see Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith, Signals and Boundaries / John Holland)

there is a lot of data but not much relevant information : TOC understanding, CAS view, constraints management (see Haystack Syndrome / Eli Goldratt, Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith, Throughput Accounting / Steven Bragg, Throughput Accounting / Thomas Corbett, The Choice / Eli Goldratt, Manufacturing at Warp Speed / Eli Schragenheim)

cause and effect logic : this is a compulsury ability to survive, it is more difficult to recognize the logic when there is a time lag, TOC version is Thinking Process (see Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith, The Choice / Eli Goldratt, It is not Luck / Eli Goldratt, Behind the cloud / Jalena Fedurko, books of William Dettmer)

alignment of the team : TOC emphasis on the goal, DDMRP emphasise on connected buffers to collect signals and adopt whole organization, Lean emphasis on alignment (see Demand Driven Performance / Debra&Chad Smith, The Goal / Eli Goldratt, several boks in TOC or Lean literature)

I strongly recommend this book. You may plan to keep your business as local as possible but sooner or later another partly global company will become a rival for you. You could hide but not runaway! This is reality !

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